Wednesday, December 15, 2010


very day we make sacrifices without noticing it, some people sacrifice for themselves, others for their family, others for friends, because a sacrifice is really to stop doing our own will to do something that in truth, we do not want do, which is going to cause pain, or seem like a great loss. Now that, is a true sacrifice when it hurts. We make sacrifices for example, when we lose weight, especially us women, when she wants to be thin, she does not measure efforts to do what she needs to do. She does not eat the candy she love, pies, cakes and all that she knows that will prevent her weight loss. She don't sleep as much to take walks, or rather she sacrifices to have her body as she wants it, and determines exactly how she wants her body. Another sacrifice is when a young lady wants to study in college, she may not have conditions within her family, no one to help, but if she wants it she will work for it, she will study more, she will get scholarships, she will sacrifice the weekends to study more, she will become a good student because she wants to have a good future. Their are young people who never go out because they are sacrificing their will to achieve something that they really want. Others sacrifice for their children, she stop eating so her children can eat, she don't dress better so she can buy clothes for her children, or rather she lives more for her children than for herself, a mother's life is always a life of sacrifice, it is for a lifetime. But those are personal sacrifices that you make to please the lives of others. What about pleasing God? How must the sacrifice be?
The sacrifice pleasing to God is not only financial, but also the spiritual and this is really one of the most difficult to do, because it means change of character, behavior, addictions, hobbies, thoughts, etc. ..
When we make real sacrifices, acceptable to God it is impossible not to have the response fast in our lives, for example:

1) Stop talking about when we are right: many are the times that you get into an argument with your family, for wanting to be the right one, you never want to lose, and in doing so you prevent the action of God within your family, you do sacrifice for them, but at the same time you prevent the action of the Holy Spirit at Home when you do not show them humility
2) You want to be exalted when the right thing to do is be humble: There are always daily situations that you always want to be the best, attract more attention than the others, but the Bible teaches us: He who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself will be humiliated, so then, live the word of God daily it is the word that will help you have a blessed home and your family converted, but the first person that has to change would be yourself.
3) Make a decisions today to let go of old habits, customs, everything that prevents you from having a communion with God, read the Bible daily, live in the dependence of God by faith. Many know they have to read the Bible, pray, seek to have an intimacy with God, but when do they do it, only in the church, and they're always very tired and preoccupied with their own doings, this prevents God to truly enter into the this person's life
4) Controlling your tongue is difficult, but this is part of the body and the major cause of division and problems within families and between people. They are many times complaints of people who frequent the church that says oh she said this and that or he said that and the other, or rather you have faith to sacrifice financially, but you lack faith in the spiritual sacrifice, and that is why we do not receive the response, sometimes we participate in many campaigns, but we don't see the answer and the fault is not and will never be of God but of yourself because you disobey the direction that is being taught to her.
5) They are always in the gossip: Getting rid of this defect is highly dependent on the totally surrendering yourself to God, because many come a long time with this bad habit, so many surrender their lives to Jesus, they are baptized, but still they continue to judge, pointing others errors, and worse of all they forget to care for their own life. This is also a spiritual sacrifice, looking only to your own life, worry about you, and pray for others. It is up to you now I can not make this true sacrifice, do not waste time, take advantage of this opportunity. "
Straighten up, Jesus said, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? And she said: No man, Lord. Jesus said: Neither do I condemn you. Go, sin no more. "Change your behavior, your thoughts, please God, as Jesus says, Do not sin again, and take to the Altar your true sacrifice which is all of your life, all your thoughts, its you emptying yourself and filling yourself with the presence God's, living in total dependence of Him and exalting your perfume wherever you go.
God bless ...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wise or Foolish? Supernatural Faith or Natural Faith?

A women of God can change any situation in her family, work, at school, if only she is depending completely on the Holy Spirit, depend on Him, not her husband, her family, her father, her mother, its only keeping her lamp lit and full of oil. For example, the Bible shows us: At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him! “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out. '‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us! “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25

While 5 were wise, 5 were foolish, the wise are those who: pray, fast, does not look at the life of others, they are not in gossip, they watch their mouth, they look for the wisdom of God, have daily communion with the Holy Spirit , used their faith daily, they sacrifice because they already know the outcome, or rather she lives in the dependence of the living God and holds daily communion with Him, always concerned about filling her lamp, because if He is coming she will be ready but unlike the senseless lives according to her wishes, she is not humble, she thinks that she is always right, acts without wisdom, and brings bad witness to others, she has malice in everything, evil thoughts, always judge others, she always have an excuse for everything. She can never participate in things of the church, she is never faithful in her promises, and yet she does not sacrifice because she doubts and knowing that she doubts in the power of God and does not obey she know she will not be answered so then, she gives a good offering, but never the true sacrifice, her lamp will be off in a matter of time. When she arrived at the church she acted as a person of faith but today because of the lack of oil she lives like the unbelievers, or rather there is not a difference in her life and the life of a unbeliever, she does not have the mark of God.
Our faith is the most important thing we have in our lives, it is our faith that leads us to the path of conquest, of the changes, of the total transformation of life, but mostly of our salvation. We need to overcome all our enemies of faith daily, which are many: time, doubt, deception, lack of obedience, lack of wisdom, fear, and many others, but the worst of them all it's ourselves, when we do not obey God's voice which is the voice of faith within each and everyone of us ...

We can choose our future, how will next year be and change it through supernatural faith, but if we make wise decisions, today, obeying and changing what we must change, how do we want something different when we continue with same attitudes?

Friday, December 3, 2010

preciososmomentos-claudia: Insensata o Prudente? Fé Natural o sobrenatural?

preciososmomentos-claudia: Insensata o Prudente? Fé Natural o sobrenatural?

Improvement isn't the same as to grow…

Generally speaking people think "the more the better," but this basic concept doesn't mean to grow. Improvement isn't the same as to grow…

There are people who live only based on numbers. how many certificates do I have? How many years of experience, how many clothes do I have. how many cars?…

Every year that passes, a lot of people win money, status, materialistic goods, and many don't worry about their personal growth. They forget that everything they won will be left behind in this world when they die, but their personal growth will help they have an entire life and have a happy life on earth. We think: what have I learned this year? What have we taught? What went wrong that we don't want to commit the same mistake again?We cannot follow the same procedure every year, with the same bad habits, the addictions, resentment, bad conduct, bad words, etc…

Our real growth comes when we learn about something new, and forget everything that has happened, giving ourselves a new opportunity to become better human beings at every day.

That why a lot of people conquer, but they don't remain, they don't maintain themselves, they even have a unique position in the world, they distinguish themselves, but they don't manage to win their own selves and live frustrated, because they can't control themselves nor can they grow as a person.
To reach the true growth, it is necessary to understand our weakness in an area that we know that needs a change and if we want to change, that way we can make the decision to change. But it is important to determine, because we are what we determine, and we don't live by chance or luck.

Fast changes are temporary, but the slow growth conducts deep changes. To depend on the Lord Jesus is the best way to reach a true growth and reach everything that we want here on earth and the eternal life. With Him we are more than victorious!

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Friday, October 1, 2010

learning from children

After many years of working with many children of different ages and countries, we understand why God teaches us that we must have the heart like a child because they automatically belong to the kingdom of heaven. I love learning from them, I have spent several years developing methods for learning the Bible and we can really see the wonderful results. We can learn a lot from them:
Perseverance = At a certain age, when children want a candy or a toy, they first ask, then insist, scream, even kick their mother and do not give her peace until they get what they want. Remember the story of the unjust judge? Did you see how the widow’s persistence helped her win her case? There are people who leave their faith and cannot achieve great things from God's hands because they do not have this wonderful quality that children often have.
Forgiveness = Innocence is the symbol of a child. It's amazing the power of innocence in children. If they fight with a friend today and say, "I do not love you", tomorrow when they see their friend, it’s as if nothing had happened, they give kisses, hugs, want to be together and even hold hands. Sometimes adults only want to be friends with those we like and accept everything we do. When the "friend" does something that displeases us, they are no longer useful and we walk away no longer wanting to talk to them or see them, much less hug them! Imagine those friends who actually have defects, also their many qualities and how much we can learn from mistakes and qualities. So we need to have many friends and every day a heart like a child.
Trust = the trust that all children have is very impressive, especially towards their parents. Children always see their father as a hero, their mother is always the most beautiful and the best, and they cannot live without them. If the parent puts him up high and tells him to jump, he jumps and smiling throws his arms because he knows and trusts that his father will never let him down. How many times God wants us to play in his arms, knowing that he will never disappoint us, but the disappointments in life make the adult heart severely injured, and wickedness prevents the action of God for lack of confidence in his word.
Good Eyes = the child has good eyes towards everyone. Show him a sweet and he will start to smile. Everyone is good in their eyes. The child never thinks someone will do them harm. Adults usually see the wrong in everything. If someone shows them love, they automatically think they must want something, want to borrow money. If someone gives them a gift, they think they are trying to please him because they want something from him. They even see the bad where it doesn’t exist, because when the eye is bad, the whole body is sick.
Sincerity = the sincerity of a child is wonderful. They say what they think, sometimes leaving their parents in an embarrassing situation. They cannot lie, even if they try, the parent perceives it and knows they are lying. Many times adults see the bad behavior of a friend and tell everyone, except the friend. They even gossip, but don’t act with sincerity. There are also those who are afraid to talk, they keep everything in their heart, end up sick and lose their salvation for not having a heart that pleases God and not being sincere.
See how many things we can learn from children. Turning our hearts to a child's heart, and we will undoubtedly have a much happier life; pleasing to God and thus achieve eternal salvation.

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:3-5)

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service in church had ended, the pastor and his 11 year old son went through the city to hand out church flyers.
On a Sunday afternoon, when it was time for the Pastor and his son walk on the streets with their flyers, it was very cold and raniy outside. The boy was waiting and finally said:

- "Ok, Dad, I'm ready."

And his father asked:

- "Ready for what?"

- "Dad, it's time to take our flyers and go."

His father replied:

- "Son, it's very cold outside and raining a lot."

The boy looked surprised and asked:

- "But, Dad, don't people go to hell even on rainy days?"

His father replied:

- "Son, I'm not going out in this weather."

The child was sad and asked:

- "Dad, Can I go by myself, please?"

His father hesitated for a moment and then said:

- "Son, you can go. Here are the flyers. Be careful."

- "Thanks, Dad!"

In the rain, he went from street to street, walking giving out flyers door to door and to everyone he saw. After walking for two hours in the rain, he was all wet, but still had the last flyer. He stopped at the corner and looked for someone to give the flyer to, but the streets were empty. Then, he turned towards the first home he saw and walked along the entry to the door and rang the bell. He rang the doorbell but nobody answered. He rang again, but no one answered the door. He waited, but still no answer.
Finally, this soldier of Jesus turned to leave, but something stopped him. Once again, he went to the door, rang the bell and knocked hard. He waited, as though something was holding him there at the door. He returned to leave but this time the door opened slowly. At the door was an old woman with a sad look. She gently asked:

- "What I can do for you, son?"

With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said:

- "Ma'am, sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that Jesus REALLY LOVES YOU and I came here to give you my last flyer that will tell you all about Jesus and His great love."

Then he gave her the flyer and turned to leave. She called him and said:

- "Thanks, my son and may God bless you!"

The following Sunday morning the pastor was on the altar. When the service began, he asked:

- "Does anyone have a testimony or something to share?"

Slowly, in the last row of the church, an elderly woman stood up. When she began to speak, there was a glorious radiance on her face.

- "Nobody knows me in this church. I've never been here before. You see, before last Sunday I was not a Christian. My husband died some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday, when it was particularly cold and rainy, I had decided in my heart to end it. I had no hope or desire to live. So I took a rope and a chair and climbed the stairs to the attic of my house. I tied the rope on a wooden roof beam, got on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to jump when suddenly the doorbell rang and surprised me. I thought:

- "I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will just go."

I waited and waited, but the doorbell kept ringing, and then the person began to knock hard. I thought:

- "Who the hell could it be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to visit me."

I loosened the rope from my neck and I headed toward the door as the bell rang louder and louder. When I opened the door and saw who it was, I almost could not believe it, because at door was the most radiant and angelic little boy I've seen in my entire life. His smile, oh, I could not describe it! The words that came from his mouth caused my heart, that was dead long ago, to jump back to life. When his angelic voice exclaimed:

- "Ma'am, I just came here to say that Jesus REALLY LOVES YOU."

Then he gave me this flyer that I now have in my hands. As the little angel disappeared into the cold and rain, I closed the door and started reading every word of this flyer.
I went to the attic to get my rope and chair. I no longer needed them. You see - now I am a child of the KING!
The address of the church was in the back of the flyer, I came here to personally say THANK YOU to the angel of God at the right time, spared my soul from an eternity in hell.
There was nobody who was not crying. And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING echoed throughout the building, the Pastor Father came down from the altar and went to the front bench where the little angel sat. He picked up his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.
Probably no church has had a glorious time like this, and probably the world has never seen a father so full of love and honor for his son, but there are millions of people suffering, desperate, hopeless, anxious, waiting for this phrase out of your mouth.

- "Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that Jesus REALLY LOVES YOU and I came here to give you my last flyer."

Monday, July 19, 2010

What we should to think?

With our thoughts we can travel, visit the past, project the future, remember those who left, or even stay in the frustrations of the past, we can choose what to think about, this is the most important part.
We dominate our minds when we learn to use the authority that was given to us.
We have good thoughts, bad thoughts, thoughts that scare us... so we cannot get carried away by our thoughts, instead we must carry our thoughts where we want.
The human mind is really incredible and it controls all our body. It all begins in the mind, this explains why many horrible things happen: people who attempt suicide, depressed people, people who take attitudes and then repent, and at times after the act some people wonder: "How could I do this? How could I act this way? Why let the mind dominate and cause unimaginable actions so distorted from reality.
There are some people that have everything to succeed, but because of negative thoughts, or that voice: "You're not going to get it", their life is at a stand still, tied up and ends up being a frustrated life without achievements.
When you really believe in something and change your thinking, changed your point of view, everything becomes easier, and even the universe works in your favor.
Long ago, I realized how fragile I was when it came to my mind, sometimes I would spend hours alone, but speaking in my thoughts, and sometimes remembering unpleasant things without realizing how much this affected my day to day. Until one day the light shone: I decided to think only of what I wanted ... Yes! I can control my mind, which would sometimes lead me to inconceivable things and to act without wisdom. This is not easy, we are human, susceptible to mistakes, and we live in a world that is becoming increasingly difficult, but it is possible.
It is necessary to practice. The principle is not easy, but every time an unpleasant thought comes, I start to do something different. It is like throwing it out of my mind, and soon enough it passes. In my daily practice, I see now how important it is for our lives to have a clear, pure and healthy mind because surely we will also have a clean, pure heart, which is pleasing to God, thus having a happier life.
We cannot be trapped by our thoughts, our mind is what determines what our actions will be.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things" (Philippians 4:8)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


When we stop to reflect on our actions, we can place them on a scale: What did I do to obtain good results? Or what could I have done differently to get results?
I do not speak of results in my life but the life of the people because as servants we do not think about ourselves, we should not have desires or wills, but we should be in the center of the will of our Lord. And for us to truly bring results to people's lives, because we are a channel for people to receive the blessings, it is very important to overcome ourselves, daily. Controlling our impulses, the will of our flesh, situations we face daily, thoughts and concerns. Only when we defeat ourselves, can we overcome our worst enemy, which in most cases is within us. We overcome our will when we do not want to be in another place or another country different from where God has us. We do not speak what we want, instead what God wants us to speak, we do not think about what we want, rather think about what pleases God, we do not act as we want, but act as God wills. In practice, this is not so simple or easy. From my own experience, I see a spiritual maturity in my everyday life, struggling every day to overcome my will and, of course, the benefits have been wonderful. Responses that come directly from the throne of God and a wonderful fellowship with the Lord that is priceless.
Before making decisions or taking action, we must think "How would God want me to act in this situation?" So everything becomes clearer, and the fire of faith is always on, showing us the true supernatural power of God.
"Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” (Proverbs 16:32)
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you have died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." (Colossians 3:2-3)

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Chosen Sacrifices

Faith means abandoning all trust in our resources, skills and reasoning. What we see and completely depend on is what we cannot see, fully believing in the promises and provisions of God. But that faith is only present, when action is taken, and this faith evident through the obedience to God. It's our way of looking at God that will determine the nature of our faith. If we see a great, faithful and almighty God, our faith will rise to that level, on the other hand, if we see lesser, distant, inactive God, our faith is confined to this level.
When Jesus told the rich young man what was needed to inherit eternal life and if he wanted to be perfect said: "Go, sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." But since he owned many properties, he went away sad. Our faith is not demonstrated by words, instead by attitudes. The young man said he kept the commandments, but when Jesus asked him for "action" he could not hear the voice of his own faith and do what Jesus asked him. When God asks, he knows exactly what he’s doing, for he is truly perfect, and would never do something that will harm us, because God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? (Numbers 23:19)
When God speaks, the voice of our faith also speaks, so why not obey? The rich young man failed to receive great blessings, because he didn’t hear God's voice when he asked, and he even lost the opportunity to follow Jesus, because he was called by Him, but was not chosen since he didn’t have the courage to sacrifice, instead he followed his own interests.
When we hear the voice of faith and take action, God sees, hears and comes into our lives, changing everything and making each one of us real winners.

"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Matthew 19:29)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Spirit of the Lord

There is nothing in this world more valuable than having the Spirit of God within each of us. Certainly, we all want to be happy, to have success every day. But the greatest achievement a human being can have is this Spirit, because it is an achievement for all time.
Those who possess this Spirit will not give up, but persevere.
They do not get carried away by the difficulties, instead the difficulty is reason for new conquests.
They do not worry about what their eyes are seeing, but remain in the faith, and believe that they are going to see what they have never seen.
In them, the fire is not quenched, since this fire is the very mark of God in their lives.
Every day you start is a chance not to add, but multiply.
They do not care about being different, instead in making a difference in the lives of individuals,
They do not live by words, but by attitudes,
They never give up no matter how difficult the desert is, instead they use the desert to get stronger and grow.
They restore what was destroyed, and once it is renewed they take this strong spirit to the weak.
Their joy is to be used to transform lives and bring justice and salvation.

Let us be careful that our greatest achievement in this world is to maintain Spirit of the Lord within us, because with him we can win the world and not let the world defeat us.

" But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6.33)

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give up unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” Isaiah 61.3

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The better mom of the World

I would like to introduce you to my mother: Her name is Neusa . This woman did, does and will always make a difference. She is a warrior, with many qualities and virtuous.
She is kind, caring, responsible, organized, hardworking and above all a servant of God. Still, she is distinguished by her faith, no one and nothing can stop her. From a young age, she has gone through many problems: family, financial, emotional, etc ...
These occurred to make her quit, but she has always been a warrior. She studied and graduated in nursing, even with six children. She worked all night in the hospital and took care of our whole family, always telling each one of us: we will conquer, you're going to be someone in life, we will not look at our situation and gradually the whole family’s situation was better; even with many obstacles. When we met the Lord Jesus, that's when the light came and opened many doors for everyone. We arrived at the feet of Jesus and each child was converted to him through her testimony, faith, wisdom and willingness to fight. Today, all six children, have to thank God for such a wonderful mother he has given us. She is beautiful and simply the best mother in the world. We learned to be warriors, not looking back, always believing in victory. No matter the circumstances, despite the difficult times faced by the family in all aspects: financial, family, sentimental. She was always supporting us with a word of faith, always showing her love and faith to God. Thank the Lord Jesus, he is honored by her, she makes a difference. Despite being retired, she doesn’t need other financial resources, doesn’t depend on the government or on her children. She is full of talents: singing, sewing, painting, making chocolates, selling jewelry, linens and everything possible to give more and more to God. She is always meeting her vows, and also seeking for the welfare of all.
Today, my brother has a degree in Business Administration, he has his own business; always fighting and always winning. My sister has a degree in Psychology, I went to college for my Master’s, and my brother who, to the human eyes, had mental problems because of an accident, has been completely healed by Jesus. Today, for the glory of Jesus, he is going to college for a Physical Education degree. For many, this may seem as something simple, but for my family these things were impossible. It was all made possible through faith, and the servant of God who supported the whole family.
This year we celebrate 63 years of her life thanks to her loyalty to God. She has no illnesses, she’s full of health, with strength to evangelize, to go to hospitals and save souls. Currently, she’s responsible for a group of people who visit the elderly in nursing homes, sharing her love and experience with others so they may also achieve happiness thru our wonderful God.
Mom, I love you. Despite the distance because of God’s work, I thank Him because I learned to be a warrior, to never give up and to stay strong. I thank the Lord Jesus for your life and for being my mom.

" Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies..."

Monday, May 3, 2010

How to live a better life

1) Set aside at least 15 minutes or more to present your day to God. Pray for His direction in your life, meditate on his word and believe that your day will be a blessing.
2) When you get to work or school, give a big smile, full of joy to your friends, always conveying peace and security to those around you.
3) Be humble. Always try to learn more than you teach.
4) Speak less and listen more, he who speaks plants and he who listen harvests , "An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble” (Prov. 12:13).
5) Find out if people next to you need help, whether they are your friends, family, etc... and if you can, help as much as possible.
6) When someone says something to you: If it’s regarding your life, speak with wisdom and balance, but if it’s regarding the lives of others, it’s better not to speak and to change the subject, thus changing the conversation without hurting the person, and teaching them, "A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret" (Prov. 11:13).
7) Have wisdom in your words, the beginning of wisdom is to seek wisdom.
8) Don’t be false. “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (Prov. 11:3).
9) Honesty is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Find new friends, but don’t pretend to miss their mistakes, instead try to help them improve and grow every day.
10) Be just. The righteousness of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.
11) Discretion eliminates many hassles, problems and future regrets. Combine wisdom and discretion to speak and you will be a person who many admire.
12) Always do good. Thus eliminating the contact with evil.
13) Your conduct demonstrates who you are. Your attitude, not your words, will show your character. It’s easy to talk, but teaching by example is more difficult.
14) Turn your mistakes into a bridge for your successes. Don’t look at many mistakes you made, instead try not to make them again, thus eliminating everyday behavior that’s not good in your life.
15) Don’t look at things that you have not yet conquered, making comparisons with your friends, because that behavior will produce sadness and envy, instead look at the many things you have already conquered and will conquer with actions, because every one of us is responsible for our own defeats and failures, everything depends on our spirit.
16) Try to include a little bit of sport, physical activity or something that gives you pleasure in your daily life, thus always taking care of your health.
17) Never belittle someone because they don’t have the wisdom you do. “A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue” (Prov. 11:12).
18) Whenever you have good advice for a friend, don’t delay in giving it, doing so will help keep them in the good path. “For a lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure” (Prov. 11:14).
19) Watch your thoughts, be vigilant of them at every moment, do not let them dominate you, doing so, will help you take actions needed to keep your thoughts straight.
20) Stay away from lies because they seem good at the moment and even make you feel good, but when the truth comes, then comes shame and humiliation. “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment” (Prov. 12:19).

Learn to take advantage of the life God gave you. Living each day to be a better person and loving your neighbor.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Healed by faith

My name is Adriana. I was in a very difficult situation. I was sad, depressed, and distant from my family, very embarrassed when I was out in public. It all started with an allergy, until doctors diagnosed lupus on my face. I was treated by doctors for five years, trying everything from pills, treatments, creams, steroids, Chinese bugs to Chinese mushrooms. Everything they said, I tried during five years. My face began to get worse and I had to use a clay mask on my face because I could not stand the fever in my face and had to change the mask from time to time. My face was swelling from the steroids and it was as red as a tomato. I had no strength, to the point that I could not hold my own baby. My bones and joints hurt. I was very tired with both my mind and body very weak, tired and without energy. My memory would come and go as if I was switched off or disconnected. I did not look at my face in the mirror because it would make me angry, sad, and caused a mix of feelings. Until my husband said: "What are you waiting for? Use your faith”. I would say that I had faith, but I think at that time, my faith had no actions. I started making a chain of prayer, placing my faith in God alone and no longer wanted to use drugs because I didn’t even have enough money. I had tried to be healed for more than five years. Through the prayer chains and putting all my strength in God, I reached my victory and my health. The chains of prayer at church is what really helped me and opened my mind to understanding that everything is possible for he who believes. Jesus took away our diseases, and once I realized this, the miracle happened in my life. As time passed by, I forgot how my face looked before. I was completely healed, with determination, perseverance, and a complete surrender of my life and body to God. Today I look in the mirror and I feel much happier with my husband and family, and i can say : I know God and His power.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How the medicine can help you?

We should always take care of our health. Eat healthy meals and exercise so we don’t fall into an inactive lifestyle, thus avoiding future diseases and becoming slaves to medication. Particularly, I never wanted to use medications, and always noticed that medicine affected my body instead of helping it, until I was completely healed by the power of God. Typically, medications cure a problem but end up causing others.
When we see the side effects that come along with prescriptions, we notice many negative ones that can damage our health. Medicine becomes a necessary evil. Dr. Ghislaine lost her medical license because of her book “The Medical Mafia". She says that she began to notice that most people did not respond to medical treatment. She affirms there’s a manipulation by doctors, future doctors, students and says: "Medicine is essentially a business." As she said in an interview for a website: "The strategy is, in short, to have chronically ill people who have to take all kinds of medicines, i.e. to treat symptoms only, medication to relieve pain, lower fever, reduce inflammation.... but never medicine that may cure an illness. It is not profitable, so it’s of no interest. Modern medicine is designed for people to stay sick as long as possible and always buy prescriptions. The system is there to serve the patient but, in reality, it’s under the command of the industry. It is what pulls the strings and keeps the health system to its advantage. It is, in short, a real medical mafia, a system that creates disease and kills for money and power” says Dr. Ghislaine.
You are the real doctor to yourself, when you take care of your health from an early age. When we are aware of our control over our health and know the power of supernatural faith. When we look in the Bible: “He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows" (Isaiah 53:4). We see that He took away our diseases, so we must use supernatural faith, be dependent on God and independent from the system.
The system works for us to forget our status as supreme beings dependent on God. Also, for us to forget the promise of healing in the Bible and become submissive to the system that controls the world.
But in our hands is "the power to break that bondage." Doctors are also used by God, but we can not place all our trust in men. When we place our trust in God, we are no longer slaves to this world, and we become free from a controlled system.

Next time, we will talk about the testimony of a person who spent horrible times in regards to health, but through faith, she was free from medicine and dependent on God, obtaining a complete recovery.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why give a second chance?

We make many mistakes with others, but expect others to understand when we are wrong. There are different reasons why we make mistakes: lack of wisdom, lack of discernment, lack of understanding, our age, education , etc... Well, there are many reasons, but we expect forgiveness and understanding from those who suffer the damage. Still, when someone does something wrong to us, we don’t see that the person also had many reasons for a poor behavior. We need to understand and forgive. Most of the time, when we see others make mistakes, we distance ourselves. We judge instead of helping that person whose conduct was wrong. I made many mistakes in this aspect. Too many times I had people by my side with a bad behavior and I judged them and walked away, instead of sitting with them and at least try to help. We end up not giving them a second chance.
And why should we give them a second chance? Why expect others to give us that second chance? Just imagine how many relationships are destroyed daily between husbands and wives, sons and daughters, friends, simply for not to trying to help and forgive, instead of walking away...
Surely there are people who really have a difficult temper, and many times we even want to help, but they don’t accept it and sometimes become our enemy. However, it's important that we try to help because the Bible teaches us "Let us not become weary in doing good..."
Sometimes we forgive, but we don’t give that person a second chance. In other words, we forgive, but not wholeheartedly. And without realizing it, we see them in a bad light and never truly believe they can change their character. I realized that I too made mistakes in the past for different reasons and there were few people and "friends" who gave me a second chance. This made me think: What if Jesus had given up on us because of our behavior? How many times did He use someone to open our eyes but we didn’t see? How many times did He show his power through a servant, but we didn’t value that anointment? How much patience He had with us in understanding our weaknesses, our sins? How many times He looked upon us and saw our qualities, not our failures? If he had looked at our flaws, he probably would have distanced himself from us, and we wouldn’t be his servants today.

How many second chances God gave us so that we could learn humility, servitude, good character, truth and sincerity? Can you imagine if Jesus had given up on us when he saw our cold hearts, our bad behavior, our lack of knowledge? We would have never met him. And this is how we really know a person, by looking at and helping with their mistakes, their flaws and also learning their qualities. Because if we turn our backs when we see their mistakes, how can we help or give them a second chance? Isn’t that how God calls us? "Come as you are..."

I thank God for accepting me as I was: full of sins, mistakes, flaws, weaknesses, and for giving me a second chance. Through his mercy and love, our sins are erased, giving us daily the opportunity that man doesn’t.

Like David, who had a great sin, and suffered the consequences, but also achieved the mercy and forgiveness of God. He is the only man in the Bible described as having a heart according to God’s own heart.

"Man looks at the outward appearance, the Lord looks at the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's the fragrance in your home?

Normally, we concern ourselves with taking care of our home. Keeping it clean, organized, comfortable for guests, and always well kept, so it doesn't deteriorate with time. This requires great effort every day. Sometimes hours and hours are spent cleaning dirt, grease impregnated in the oven and stains on the carpet. The more we clean, the more things we find to clean. We want the floors to be impeccable and the closets well organized. We change the broken glass in the window, the loose door in the closet and sometimes we are tired, but are not pleased until everything looks clean and organized around the house. We want that clean scent to exude, to smell the good fragrance to feel satisfied.
This is for the physical house we live in. We are concerned with having it in the best condition possible for us to live happily with our family. Now, what about the house where the Holy Spirit lives? Our heart represents our spiritual home. Our whole body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must take care of it because our heart is the spring of life. We must keep our spiritual house clean so that our body is ready for Jesus to live in it. How can the Spirit of God, that is so holy, live in a dirty place? You need take out the trash: such as sin, pride, wounds of the past, that "grease" that has accumulated slowly over time, the disappointments. We need to remove the stones that make our heart so hard and proud. All the effort spent on our physical house has to be greater for our spiritual home. Since Jesus resides in our heart, it must be firm as a rock, always pure, clean, with the scent of humility and always smelling the fragrance of Jesus. Everything that tries to come in, that the “resident” doesn’t like, must be removed immediately. It must be cleansed and purified so Jesus can live forever and we can always exude the good fragrance of our Lord. If your heart still has a lot of dirt, but you truly want Jesus to live in it, then you must have faith and invite him, ask him to live inside of you. Once you have a relationship with God, little by little the dirt will be cleaned. You will be transformed into another person and you will never weaken in your faith.
The secret is to be fully dependent on God. To have all your expectations on Him, not men, because men are made of flesh, full of mistakes and always disappoint us. But our God never fails. When we live fully dependent on him, we can exude his good scent to those who don’t know him.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life” 2 Corinthians 2:15-16

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Everything depends on our vision

We made a lot of mistakes, because we neglected to see many things.
We worshiped many gods because we didn't know the one true God.
We lost a lot of money because we didn't know who the real devourer is.
We didn't love those by our side because we didn't know the One who died for us giving us true love.
We always lived a lie because we didn't know the truth.

We spent too much time in the dark because, we didn't see the light.
We were in many dark places, because our feet didn't know how to walk in the right direction.
We judged many people, because we didn’t know that we weren't here to judge others.
We had so many impure thoughts, because we didn't know that our thoughts must be pure.

We said so many bad things because we didn't know that from our tongue comes blessings and curses.
We made a lot of mistakes because we didn't know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
We betrayed because we didn't know that we must be faithful till our death.
We didn't forgive because we didn't know that we had to forgive 70 times 7, if necessary.
We didn't help our neighbor because we didn't know that we were supposed to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
We didn't lift up anyone who was down, because we didn't know the One who rose us.
We didn't bring light to anyone, because we were also in the dark.
We didn’t sacrifice, because we didn't know the true sacrifice of Jesus.
We were not saints because we didn't know that we were supposed to live with Him who is sacred.
We were not servants, because we didn’t know our true Lord.
We had diseases, because we didn't know the One who carried away our diseases.

Our vision comes from God. When we know Him , the long roads become short and the darkness turns to light. We can clearly see things that we didn't see before. We turn away from sin, changing our character and behavior. We make a true change when we have an encounter with He who sacrificed on the cross...

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hard life?

About three consecutive months ago, every Tuesday I have visited the people who are sick in a hospital that is in the city in which I am in. And every day that I go there, there is always a different situation, but there are 3 that caught my attention very much: a lady whose entire family was there, simply waiting for death to arrive because she had cancer in all of her body, and us trying to teach her that there is a cure through the power of the faith. And another young man who has problems in his bones, he is only 25 years old, but his appearance is of a man of 50 years old, very defenseless, weak and couldn't even speak a word, he was condemned to that bed. And another man who didn't have any family members to take care of him, and when we entered the room, I looked to his face and saw a great despair and he pointed to a cup of water that was next to his bed, signaling that he was thirsty. And I called the nurse, and he told me: 'Now I cannot go, you should help him.' I was very surprised with the relaxation of a professional in front of such a weak and very dependent person who simply wanted to drink water, and I returned to the room and gave him good and water in his mouth. He drank water with so much despair that he even dropped it on his body, in other words he asked for water for so many hours since he didn't even have the strength to hold a cup of water. And in front of situations so sad, I thought my God how wonderful the Lord has been in my life. And with so many people that see, walk, eat, drink everything they desire, speak when they want and even dare to think: my life is very difficult, when in reality difficult is:

- Not being able to hold a pen to write, because of the arthritis in their hands.
- Not being able to feel their feet touch the sand in the beach, because of a wheelchair, due to an accident they suffered.
- Have the desire to use the bathroom, to do one's basic needs of life, and have to wait for the good will of a nurse or family member to become available to guide them to the bathroom, because they cannot move their body alone.
- For many women who cannot comb their own hair, or put on make up and have to depend on someone else to do it, due to some sickness.

Difficult situations for us, but for God everything is possible .We have seen many people with physical deficients and yet they are able to overcome problems and make the difference in this world in their social life, conquering a good job, in sports, reaching happiness and even with their examples they bring happiness and strength to other people. Imagine us, who are perfect, we have health, can walk, dance, run, why can we not make the difference? Because of the complaints and we constantly think, "Why must life be so hard for me?"

There are things so simple: put the foot on the ground, use a bathroom, brush one's hair, look at the colors, write a letter, type on a computer, things that we do every day, and we only value them when we cannot do them anymore.

In reality the life created by God has no limits. He created the world in 7 days and with his power he made so many marvelous things to that we make enjoy now. But unfortunately a lot are not able to look at life in this manner and are always complaining, in front of situations so small and simple to resolve, some have even taken their own lives, even though they were perfectly fine in their health, forgiving about the sacrifice that God did for us, He gave your life for each one of us have life.

Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:1-3

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What´s your priority?

Constitution: Chile (Reuters)

Just as he felt the land tremble, Mario Leal threw himself into the water and swam desperately 300 meters to the other side to look for help. Behind remained his wife and two of the children, of whom he never saw again. According to witnesses, at least 200 people that encamped like them in the Island of Orrego, continued to be disappeared five days after the earthquake and the violent tsunamis that swept in the morning of Saturday, to the center and south of Chile.
“All who were there were killed. There were complete families 10, 12 people. Everyone was encamped. I lost everything. All of my family and my house,” said Reuters Leal, still shocked and with a lost look. The shouts for help from the island kept resounding in the head of the 30 year old fisherman, that never managed a boat to rescue them. The man buried his wife on Wednesday. His sons of 7 and 9 years old continued to be disappeared. To be confirmed, the deaths of hundreds of farmers on the island would say that the official toll of deaths would be 802 for each one of the most powerful earthquakes in the recent history and the mortal tsunami, with waves up to 15 meters, that preceded them.

Another survivor in the Island Orrego was Mariela Rojas, that who saw the sea grow, placed his only life-vest available to his son of 2 and ½ years. “I held on to him and I did not let him go and we let the wave take us,” said the women of 23 years old.

The violent sea left them 20 kilometers of distance, under the bridge where they were rescued. Since then she found refuged with her son Tommy in the peak of a hill in the devastated city of Constitution, in front of the island, and she denies to get down.

The survivors of the Orrego Island, in the opening of the river Maule, said that the zoned marines did nothing to help them.
Witnesses said that the three big waves hit the island, the third occurred 3 hours after the earthquake.

With the last world happenings, tsunamis, earthquakes, catastrophes and big tragedies, many people that were passing through problems that they never imaged to encounter, and others that die without every imagining that it would be there time to die. And that it would be so fast, and in a catastrophic way. We se in the news, that many fathers of family that destroy their families, so many dreams that are lost within minutes and sadnesses that stay forever.

A lot of people prioritize their life, without giving importance to the day of their death, unfortunately the people run behind so many dreams, projects and place everything in first place, except for God. The priorities are many: school, children, the dream of being a mother, reach a social position, the desire to outshine in this world that is so competitive, a house, etc...

Working for our objectives is extremely important, but cannot be our main priority. Because if we have a certainty in life, the only is that one day all of us are going to die. And that one day death will arrive and this is for everyone without an exception. Because of this our priority should be our spiritual life, so that we can reach our salvation, meanwhile we have time.

Everything in this life has its consequences. Every action has a reaction, and the law of life cannot be changed. So we believe in truth without conviction, with humility and the Word of God teaches us “I am the truth,” Jesus did not say “I will teach you the truth,” but He is the truth. And for many not even the truth is a priority, so they live in lies. They do not approach the truth, whom is God himself.

Let us take advantage of the opportunity that is given to us.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Friday, March 5, 2010

The big Difference

Only God knows the true intention of our heart. He knows when we have the desire to please Him and if we are being sincere or not. But it is only through our actions that we can show God and those who are around us our true intentions.
It is always more difficult to show our intentions with attitudes, because there is a great difference between talking and doing.
Many of us often say many things or try to do many things physically with our the work of our hands, such as: cleaning, evangelism, house cleaning, taking care of the bible school, etc. and of course this is all of supreme importance, because when we are born of God, we seek to do the best for Him. But, we should always remember the story about Marta and Mary, meanwhile one was sitting at the foot of Jesus, the other was busy with a lot of other physical things to do. In other words, one was seeking the spiritual food and the other was more worried about the physical food.
Now, at this moment, both of them were serving Jesus, but which one do you think was more important to do?
It is always more important and fundamental to be of God and seek to practice His word without interest. If we are born of God, we should serve with love and only then will we be a true offering to God. When we give a good testimony everywhere we go.

When we show love to those who are suffering outside in this world because they do not know about God, is to practice our first love. When we show love the love of God to a soul that maybe work’s with us or with someone close, we are showing a true unconditional love and also we are sharing the wonderful scent of the perfume of Jesus.

Even a child is known by his deeds,whether what he does is pure and right.
(Proverbs 20:11)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Learning to serve

There are some people that serve others, and other that like to be served. Truly “to serve” applies to a lot of things and not only in the act of doing a favor to somebody, or being available to someone, or to become a servant of God.

In this week, I read something that really blessed me a lot and I would like to share, what the Holy Spirit has taught me, to you. We always talk about humility and a lot of times we think we know what it truly means, but we do not exactly what it is to be humble. In the Bible it is written, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.” [John 13:14] This message has a magnificent meaning and it teaches us a lot “how to serve.” Jesus in the moment that he washed the feet of his disciples, He did it with humility in the presence of others. Not because He possessed a self-esteem. He chose to serve his apostoles because he had the conscious of who he was. He was confident enough to the role of servant. He knew that the status and power weren't going to make Him more important, better than the rest. But what makes a person important is [just to show us] was His capacity to serve others. All of the time when Jesus was with His disciples and also next to the people he was always serving, orienting, helping, curing and teaching.

We can see that Jesus was not any kind of doctor. He did not have any privileged position here on earth where he could simply command; on the contrary, He was always among the people to serve. It's marvelous! And besides giving his own life for ours, we don't have a better example of humility than that.

Unfortunately, the world teaches us, practically, the opposite, we see so much corruption, fights because of the conquer of power, position, trouble, people stop serving God, because they will lose some position in the world. Even though God never had any position in this world, but he turned into an important reference and example because of his condition of servant. That is very strong!

Some people are always ready to help, always with a helpful hand to extend, and not only those people who can give something in return. But also serving tose who have nothing to offer. There are times when we fool ourselves, lose souls, the blessings and opportunities to be blessed. It is very easy and comfortable to serve someone who has something to give. Sometimes in our job, the manager who is superior. When doing the best for someone who has something to give, where is the sacrifice? But to serve a friend that is in the same position, certainly the condition to serve is very different. Sometimes we're in a contrary position, we are the ones with a favorable position and we forget that we as well are servants of one another. And we have to serve and remember that the Lord gave us the example of being a servant.

The true humility is to give importance to the other person, without considering the position that s/he may have in relationship to us. And really have actitudes due to the love we feel for our companions.

Jesus did not want to win prestige or the glory of this world, and neither makes himself better than the rest. But because of his humility He gave the condition to each one of us to be capable of becoming good people and loved by Him. And this we have to learn to do in relationship to the people that are at our side, make them feel loved, and not unwanted. Make them feel capable and not unwanted. And not humiliated, bringing forth the true love for souls.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We should not condemn what we don't understand.

I know a story of 3 blind people that found an elephant, and each one was asked to describe the animal. Each one said a different thing: the first one affirmed that the elephant was like a big hose; the second one said, that it is like the end of a broom; and the third one said, that it resembled a log of a tree. Each one described the animal from their perspective. And none of them was correct or wrong; everybody spoke according to their personal point of view.
When we are humble enough to perceive that we are like the blind, limited in our capacity of perceiving the things that are directly in front of us. Not always what we see and think is wrong. It is just different because our thoughts distort situations and people, putting us in the position of a judge. And we should remember that our very own Lord said that He did not come to the world to judge, but to save. Imagine how each one of us should be?
Jesus warned us about the traps of judging others. Many times our judgments are based on information distorted by our way of being and that do not necessarily correspond to reality. Unfortunately I have made many mistakes, because so many times that I judged someone, because to my eyes this person was wrong. But in truth, after a long amount of time, I was to understand that there were many facts that I did know, and at that moment is where we fall into a trap, and we don't please God.

We should be certain that we know the complete truth, concerning the situation and the people so we can feel certainty, knowing that we dominate completely the situation and that nothing new will disturb us. The fear of the stranger is based on intolerance. He let us judge and label persons and things.
When we feel that kind of fear, we condemn what we do not understand...
Everything depends on our point of view, but the word of God teaches us: " For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17
When we judge others, we condemn ourselves

Monday, February 22, 2010

Some steps that can be taken to receive answers in ours prayers

1) Maintain a pure heart: The fountain of life is in our heart, it is the center of our body. From it comes the bad and good feelings, resentments, envy, etc. How can God answer us, if our heart is occupied with feelings that do not please Him? In this case the first thing, beyond believing in God, is to ask Him to clean us and make of us a clean cup. It is necessary to have a broken heart, molded, humiliated and entirely reconstructed, we have to be ready to be molded by God. For example in the case of the wife who has the desire of her husband to be changed by God, thus the first person who should have a new heart is her- the wife.
2) Honestly: We have to be honest with God, and it is necessary that we talk with Him about our yearnings, anxieties, desires and to be honest in relation to what we want. Beginning a sincere dialogue, opening the door of our life, so God can enter, because nothing better exists than Him. Because He knows us. We can to hide something from anyone, other than Him. The word of God show us that He searches our heart...
3) Leave the control in the hands of God: Whatever the situation may be, it is necessary that our desire is in according to the desire God. And He will be able control our lives, we should determine what is it that we want through the our faith allied with our attitudes. But it is necessary to leave the control in the hands of God, not ours.
4) Don’t take attitudes that will stop the action of God: In other words wait for the action of God. Our attitudes many times prevents the action of God, and in this moment we stop trusting fully in the power of prayer, annulling the the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives. That is why it is necessary to have a balance. And know exactly when it is time to act and not hinder what we want.
5) We should trust completely that He has the power: We should trust in Him, because He has the power to transform any situation. As we talked in previous articles, it isn’t easy. I myself, several times have impeded the action of God. Because there are moments we think we are trusting Him very much and when the difficult times come and we are tested, we let go of our confidence and look solely at the problem and it is at this moment that we fail.
If you think that your problem is big, it the actual problem that is saying: your God is small. But if you see your problem as being small, then you see that your God is big, and so much bigger than your problem.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Prayer: How to develop this power?

The prayer is not a way for us to control our husbands, sons or the persons that are near us. We have learned with God that it is exactly the contrary. The power of the prayer that exists inside of us is for us to use. But believing in the power of God to transform any situation, marriage, relationship, circumstances and moments or phases that you may be facing. I, myself, have used this power but in a wrong manner. I thought that only through my prayer God would do exactly what I wanted, but many times we commit mistakes for not listening to the voice of God and we don’t receive the blessings from God. For me the prayer is really a power inside of us, but God did not give it to us as a weapon to tame or dominate people, or for them to agree with our will. No!

But yes, the prayer is a marvelous tool that is at our disposition to be used with love and wisdom. For example: as the wife we should learn how to do more of what is correct, than to always want have the reason, criticize less and learn how to please more the husband, speak less and listen more to him. In regards to the children, be more of an example than to only give advice, listen to them more than complain, teach them about the errors rather than point the finger to them, and as Servants of God we should learn how to give more our life, to be the offering, because many times during the prayer, we ask so much of Him, but we aren’t able to do for Him as He deserves.

Doing this so, we will be inviting God to enter into the life of our family, so that they can take possession of the blessing and become happy people. Normally when the differences appear in the marriage or problems in the family, arguments between friends, or even inside the family occur, and usually, the prayer is always the last resource. We always look to discuss, ignore, confront, and debate or to even opt for silence, and everything without satisfactory results. But certainty when the prayer comes first, those unpleasant forms of acts can be avoided. And thus we learn to pray before taking actions, and there is the big secret of living in the dependency of God.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Prayer associated with wisdom

After many experiences with God, and His fidelity through the answered prayers, we are able to say yes, prayer works! As each day goes by, we learn more but it isn’t always easy to learn how to stay in prayer while waiting for God to take control of the situation. I learned how to do this a long time ago, when I was facing a very difficult situation, and God spoke with me, allowing me to understand that my anxiety would only delay my blessings. When we are anxious, we are also creating room for doubts and doubts are the enemy of our faith, so I decided to let God act in my life and to take full control. Many times, when we speak to God about a problem and then say that we place it in His hands, time passes and our problems don’t seem to be resolved. What happens then, we end up trying to resolve it with our own hands. For example; when a husband begins to change his behavior in a negative way, which does not please God, or if a son or daughter begins to show signs of bad behavior, we trust in God through prayer, but after a certain time if we do not see results, we decide to take action in our own hands. We begin to complain, argue and even begin to speak things we should not say. When this occurs, God is not be able to do much more, since we decided to take action upon our hands. It is as if we are removing the problem from the hands of God and placing it in our own hands. At that moment, our prayer loses power. When we try to control our husbands or children with a huge list of things that we would like to see in them, we are acting wrongfully. We should never place our expectations on a person to change for themselves, or expect that he/she is going to change immediately, we should place our expectations in God, trusting that He is going to work in the life of that person and by His power, that person is going to be transformed. Sometimes, things that we may say or do can damage the plan that God has for us, therefore the best thing to do is to keep silent and pray. When we completely trust in the action of the Holy Spirit, everything changes. The form in which we see things can change and become clearer. A prayer associated with wisdom can do marvelous things and you can be sure, we have authority to stop evil from entering our lives and permit for the goodness of God to enter. Prayer is the supreme language of love, and through prayer when we use our authority, we are allowing God to transform our lives. God Bless!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Receiving a blessing is to bless

I received this great blessing that I spoke about in the beginning of this month from the hands of God. The condition to see my family after 7 years, because of our missionary life, sometimes it is hard to interrupt the work of God to visit our family, but this time God prepared everything. It was in reality a great blessing, and I thank God because He showed me that we are blessed when we bless. In these last number of years that we have been in the USA we have seen a lot of lives transformed, a lot of people were cured, matrimonies were restore and the salvation that arrived to the life of many people. And in each Church it is a marvelous experience. We meet people with different customs, different languages and always find a way to adapt ourselves to them so that the salvation can enter to the lives of everyone through our lives. In other words, we sacrifice to save families, transform lives, cure the sick; meanwhile God is taking care of our life and out family. When we bless these people, they, in truth, are blessing us, it is they that bless us, and it’s the assistants, the people, and each person that has come to us. The blessing is in the altar, to serve God, and bless these people. It’s the people themselves that are responsible for our own blessings. And we are blessed when we listen to a mother who suffers for her child, when we anoint the people who are sick, when we visit the sick in the hospitals, when we help those who are without exit, when we extend our hands to those in need, evangelizing in the streets, in those moments it is that we receive the blessing from God, when we serve the people and Him. The Holy Spirit has taught me this after these years that I have seen how much my family has changed, my brothers, much more united than before, financial blessings, in the health, and in every aspect, one can see the different of our lives. In other words, after this reflection once more we confirm that we are blessed is he who gives more than he who receives, and meanwhile we bless, we are blessed!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Lord is never wrong!

There was a king who didn't believe in the workings of God. He had a servant that in every situation would say, “My king, do not grow weary because everything that God does is perfect. He is never wrong!

There was a day that they all left to hunt and a fierce animal attacked the king. His servant managed to kill the animal, but he wasn't able to prevent his majesty from losing a finger.

Furious and without showing gratitude for being saved, the noble said, “God is good? If He was indeed good, the animal would not have attacked me and I wouldn't have lost my finger.

The servant merely responded: “My king, even though all these things happen, I can simply say that God is good; and He knows the reason behind all the things.
Everything that God does is perfect. He is never wrong!” Indignant with the response, the king ordered that the servant be imprisoned.

Some time later, he left on another hunt and was captured by some savage villagers that were in the jungle and performed human sacrifices.

When he was on the altar, ready to sacrifice the noble king, the savage villagers noticed that the victim didn't have one of his fingers and decided to liberate the king: he wasn't perfect to be sacrificed to the gods.

When he returned to the palace, he asked to liberate his servant and he received him with a lot of appreciation and affection. My dear, God was truly good to me! I escaped from being sacrificed by the savage villagers, precisely because I didn't have a finger! But I only have one doubt: if God is so good, why did He permit that you, who defends him so much, be imprisoned?

My king, if I would have gone with you on that hunt, I would have been sacrificed in your place, because I am not missing any finger and I am perfect.

He is never wrong! A lot of times we complain because of our life and supposedly bad things happen, forgetting that nothings out of casualness and everything has a purpose.

Every day offer your day to God, before beginning your daily chores. Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your attitudes, guide your sentiments. And do not be afraid, because, God NEVER ERRORS!

Do you know why you read this message? I don't know, but God knows, because He is never wrong.....

The path of God is perfect and His word without impurities. And in the Bible, it is written:
“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:” Psalm 37:5

The confidence in God makes part of the faith that we have inside of us, if we give our path to the Lord and use our faith, then everything that happens to us, comes from His hands. Even the deserts of life that help fortify us and transform us into better people of God.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Healthy heart

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." [Jeremiah 9:10]
Maintaining a wise heart that is an expert to follow the path of God needs a special dedication. Because of the sins in this world when we do not watch out we turn ourselves into “cardinal beings” and no longer spiritual.
Our heart is the intimate control center of our body that thinks, feels and does things. It fills up with a lot of malignant thoughts, trickery, envy, conceit, jealousy and nonsense. Giving health to our heart begins with an ardent fear towards the Lord. It demands that we distance ourselves from those who try to lead us to a life of excessive doses of pleasure, bad friendships, people who will harm us spiritually, etc. We have to pull them out as bad weeds, our bad thoughts, desire and motives, and fill our mind with true thoughts, pure and pleasant. We should listen with care the certain sources of nourishment.
I was reading the Bible” My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; [Proverbs 23:15] Imagine when out heart is wise we also delight the heart of God and when we say things correctly we exult the intimate of the Lord. That is very strong!!! Because of this, we have to meditate: if, on the contrary, when our heart is not wise we sadden the Lord and when we speak of nonsense even the Lord becomes sadden. So it is important to guard our heart and protect it from the “cardinal” and “spiritual” sicknesses of this world. To keep this heart only to please God and to maintain a daily communion with God because every day, our eyes, see motives to nauseate our heart, but when our heart has the protection, which is the wisdom and the communion with God then it will remain strong and healthy. Without the “spiritual” sicknesses and at every day, humiliating ourselves before God so that His mercy and compassion could remain in our lives.

Shielding our heart!