1) Set aside at least 15 minutes or more to present your day to God. Pray for His direction in your life, meditate on his word and believe that your day will be a blessing.
2) When you get to work or school, give a big smile, full of joy to your friends, always conveying peace and security to those around you.
3) Be humble. Always try to learn more than you teach.
4) Speak less and listen more, he who speaks plants and he who listen harvests , "An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble” (Prov. 12:13).
5) Find out if people next to you need help, whether they are your friends, family, etc... and if you can, help as much as possible.
6) When someone says something to you: If it’s regarding your life, speak with wisdom and balance, but if it’s regarding the lives of others, it’s better not to speak and to change the subject, thus changing the conversation without hurting the person, and teaching them, "A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret" (Prov. 11:13).
7) Have wisdom in your words, the beginning of wisdom is to seek wisdom.
8) Don’t be false. “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (Prov. 11:3).
9) Honesty is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Find new friends, but don’t pretend to miss their mistakes, instead try to help them improve and grow every day.
10) Be just. The righteousness of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.
11) Discretion eliminates many hassles, problems and future regrets. Combine wisdom and discretion to speak and you will be a person who many admire.
12) Always do good. Thus eliminating the contact with evil.
13) Your conduct demonstrates who you are. Your attitude, not your words, will show your character. It’s easy to talk, but teaching by example is more difficult.
14) Turn your mistakes into a bridge for your successes. Don’t look at many mistakes you made, instead try not to make them again, thus eliminating everyday behavior that’s not good in your life.
15) Don’t look at things that you have not yet conquered, making comparisons with your friends, because that behavior will produce sadness and envy, instead look at the many things you have already conquered and will conquer with actions, because every one of us is responsible for our own defeats and failures, everything depends on our spirit.
16) Try to include a little bit of sport, physical activity or something that gives you pleasure in your daily life, thus always taking care of your health.
17) Never belittle someone because they don’t have the wisdom you do. “A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue” (Prov. 11:12).
18) Whenever you have good advice for a friend, don’t delay in giving it, doing so will help keep them in the good path. “For a lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure” (Prov. 11:14).
19) Watch your thoughts, be vigilant of them at every moment, do not let them dominate you, doing so, will help you take actions needed to keep your thoughts straight.
20) Stay away from lies because they seem good at the moment and even make you feel good, but when the truth comes, then comes shame and humiliation. “Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment” (Prov. 12:19).
Learn to take advantage of the life God gave you. Living each day to be a better person and loving your neighbor.
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