Normally, we concern ourselves with taking care of our home. Keeping it clean, organized, comfortable for guests, and always well kept, so it doesn't deteriorate with time. This requires great effort every day. Sometimes hours and hours are spent cleaning dirt, grease impregnated in the oven and stains on the carpet. The more we clean, the more things we find to clean. We want the floors to be impeccable and the closets well organized. We change the broken glass in the window, the loose door in the closet and sometimes we are tired, but are not pleased until everything looks clean and organized around the house. We want that clean scent to exude, to smell the good fragrance to feel satisfied.
This is for the physical house we live in. We are concerned with having it in the best condition possible for us to live happily with our family. Now, what about the house where the Holy Spirit lives? Our heart represents our spiritual home. Our whole body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must take care of it because our heart is the spring of life. We must keep our spiritual house clean so that our body is ready for Jesus to live in it. How can the Spirit of God, that is so holy, live in a dirty place? You need take out the trash: such as sin, pride, wounds of the past, that "grease" that has accumulated slowly over time, the disappointments. We need to remove the stones that make our heart so hard and proud. All the effort spent on our physical house has to be greater for our spiritual home. Since Jesus resides in our heart, it must be firm as a rock, always pure, clean, with the scent of humility and always smelling the fragrance of Jesus. Everything that tries to come in, that the “resident” doesn’t like, must be removed immediately. It must be cleansed and purified so Jesus can live forever and we can always exude the good fragrance of our Lord. If your heart still has a lot of dirt, but you truly want Jesus to live in it, then you must have faith and invite him, ask him to live inside of you. Once you have a relationship with God, little by little the dirt will be cleaned. You will be transformed into another person and you will never weaken in your faith.
The secret is to be fully dependent on God. To have all your expectations on Him, not men, because men are made of flesh, full of mistakes and always disappoint us. But our God never fails. When we live fully dependent on him, we can exude his good scent to those who don’t know him.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life” 2 Corinthians 2:15-16
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