Constitution: Chile (Reuters)
Just as he felt the land tremble, Mario Leal threw himself into the water and swam desperately 300 meters to the other side to look for help. Behind remained his wife and two of the children, of whom he never saw again. According to witnesses, at least 200 people that encamped like them in the Island of Orrego, continued to be disappeared five days after the earthquake and the violent tsunamis that swept in the morning of Saturday, to the center and south of Chile.
“All who were there were killed. There were complete families 10, 12 people. Everyone was encamped. I lost everything. All of my family and my house,” said Reuters Leal, still shocked and with a lost look. The shouts for help from the island kept resounding in the head of the 30 year old fisherman, that never managed a boat to rescue them. The man buried his wife on Wednesday. His sons of 7 and 9 years old continued to be disappeared. To be confirmed, the deaths of hundreds of farmers on the island would say that the official toll of deaths would be 802 for each one of the most powerful earthquakes in the recent history and the mortal tsunami, with waves up to 15 meters, that preceded them.
Another survivor in the Island Orrego was Mariela Rojas, that who saw the sea grow, placed his only life-vest available to his son of 2 and ½ years. “I held on to him and I did not let him go and we let the wave take us,” said the women of 23 years old.
The violent sea left them 20 kilometers of distance, under the bridge where they were rescued. Since then she found refuged with her son Tommy in the peak of a hill in the devastated city of Constitution, in front of the island, and she denies to get down.
The survivors of the Orrego Island, in the opening of the river Maule, said that the zoned marines did nothing to help them.
Witnesses said that the three big waves hit the island, the third occurred 3 hours after the earthquake.
With the last world happenings, tsunamis, earthquakes, catastrophes and big tragedies, many people that were passing through problems that they never imaged to encounter, and others that die without every imagining that it would be there time to die. And that it would be so fast, and in a catastrophic way. We se in the news, that many fathers of family that destroy their families, so many dreams that are lost within minutes and sadnesses that stay forever.
A lot of people prioritize their life, without giving importance to the day of their death, unfortunately the people run behind so many dreams, projects and place everything in first place, except for God. The priorities are many: school, children, the dream of being a mother, reach a social position, the desire to outshine in this world that is so competitive, a house, etc...
Working for our objectives is extremely important, but cannot be our main priority. Because if we have a certainty in life, the only is that one day all of us are going to die. And that one day death will arrive and this is for everyone without an exception. Because of this our priority should be our spiritual life, so that we can reach our salvation, meanwhile we have time.
Everything in this life has its consequences. Every action has a reaction, and the law of life cannot be changed. So we believe in truth without conviction, with humility and the Word of God teaches us “I am the truth,” Jesus did not say “I will teach you the truth,” but He is the truth. And for many not even the truth is a priority, so they live in lies. They do not approach the truth, whom is God himself.
Let us take advantage of the opportunity that is given to us.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
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