There are some people that serve others, and other that like to be served. Truly “to serve” applies to a lot of things and not only in the act of doing a favor to somebody, or being available to someone, or to become a servant of God.
In this week, I read something that really blessed me a lot and I would like to share, what the Holy Spirit has taught me, to you. We always talk about humility and a lot of times we think we know what it truly means, but we do not exactly what it is to be humble. In the Bible it is written, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.” [John 13:14] This message has a magnificent meaning and it teaches us a lot “how to serve.” Jesus in the moment that he washed the feet of his disciples, He did it with humility in the presence of others. Not because He possessed a self-esteem. He chose to serve his apostoles because he had the conscious of who he was. He was confident enough to the role of servant. He knew that the status and power weren't going to make Him more important, better than the rest. But what makes a person important is [just to show us] was His capacity to serve others. All of the time when Jesus was with His disciples and also next to the people he was always serving, orienting, helping, curing and teaching.
We can see that Jesus was not any kind of doctor. He did not have any privileged position here on earth where he could simply command; on the contrary, He was always among the people to serve. It's marvelous! And besides giving his own life for ours, we don't have a better example of humility than that.
Unfortunately, the world teaches us, practically, the opposite, we see so much corruption, fights because of the conquer of power, position, trouble, people stop serving God, because they will lose some position in the world. Even though God never had any position in this world, but he turned into an important reference and example because of his condition of servant. That is very strong!
Some people are always ready to help, always with a helpful hand to extend, and not only those people who can give something in return. But also serving tose who have nothing to offer. There are times when we fool ourselves, lose souls, the blessings and opportunities to be blessed. It is very easy and comfortable to serve someone who has something to give. Sometimes in our job, the manager who is superior. When doing the best for someone who has something to give, where is the sacrifice? But to serve a friend that is in the same position, certainly the condition to serve is very different. Sometimes we're in a contrary position, we are the ones with a favorable position and we forget that we as well are servants of one another. And we have to serve and remember that the Lord gave us the example of being a servant.
The true humility is to give importance to the other person, without considering the position that s/he may have in relationship to us. And really have actitudes due to the love we feel for our companions.
Jesus did not want to win prestige or the glory of this world, and neither makes himself better than the rest. But because of his humility He gave the condition to each one of us to be capable of becoming good people and loved by Him. And this we have to learn to do in relationship to the people that are at our side, make them feel loved, and not unwanted. Make them feel capable and not unwanted. And not humiliated, bringing forth the true love for souls.
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