Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hard life?

About three consecutive months ago, every Tuesday I have visited the people who are sick in a hospital that is in the city in which I am in. And every day that I go there, there is always a different situation, but there are 3 that caught my attention very much: a lady whose entire family was there, simply waiting for death to arrive because she had cancer in all of her body, and us trying to teach her that there is a cure through the power of the faith. And another young man who has problems in his bones, he is only 25 years old, but his appearance is of a man of 50 years old, very defenseless, weak and couldn't even speak a word, he was condemned to that bed. And another man who didn't have any family members to take care of him, and when we entered the room, I looked to his face and saw a great despair and he pointed to a cup of water that was next to his bed, signaling that he was thirsty. And I called the nurse, and he told me: 'Now I cannot go, you should help him.' I was very surprised with the relaxation of a professional in front of such a weak and very dependent person who simply wanted to drink water, and I returned to the room and gave him good and water in his mouth. He drank water with so much despair that he even dropped it on his body, in other words he asked for water for so many hours since he didn't even have the strength to hold a cup of water. And in front of situations so sad, I thought my God how wonderful the Lord has been in my life. And with so many people that see, walk, eat, drink everything they desire, speak when they want and even dare to think: my life is very difficult, when in reality difficult is:

- Not being able to hold a pen to write, because of the arthritis in their hands.
- Not being able to feel their feet touch the sand in the beach, because of a wheelchair, due to an accident they suffered.
- Have the desire to use the bathroom, to do one's basic needs of life, and have to wait for the good will of a nurse or family member to become available to guide them to the bathroom, because they cannot move their body alone.
- For many women who cannot comb their own hair, or put on make up and have to depend on someone else to do it, due to some sickness.

Difficult situations for us, but for God everything is possible .We have seen many people with physical deficients and yet they are able to overcome problems and make the difference in this world in their social life, conquering a good job, in sports, reaching happiness and even with their examples they bring happiness and strength to other people. Imagine us, who are perfect, we have health, can walk, dance, run, why can we not make the difference? Because of the complaints and we constantly think, "Why must life be so hard for me?"

There are things so simple: put the foot on the ground, use a bathroom, brush one's hair, look at the colors, write a letter, type on a computer, things that we do every day, and we only value them when we cannot do them anymore.

In reality the life created by God has no limits. He created the world in 7 days and with his power he made so many marvelous things to that we make enjoy now. But unfortunately a lot are not able to look at life in this manner and are always complaining, in front of situations so small and simple to resolve, some have even taken their own lives, even though they were perfectly fine in their health, forgiving about the sacrifice that God did for us, He gave your life for each one of us have life.

Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13:1-3

1 comment:

  1. This is so true, sometimes we gripe and complain at situations at our jobs, our family, even ourselves without looking at ourselves as being blessed because we are healthy, we have a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in, water to bathe in and drink, when in all these places with natural disasters people are deprived of all these things. We should thank GOD everyday.
