Only God knows the true intention of our heart. He knows when we have the desire to please Him and if we are being sincere or not. But it is only through our actions that we can show God and those who are around us our true intentions.
It is always more difficult to show our intentions with attitudes, because there is a great difference between talking and doing.
Many of us often say many things or try to do many things physically with our the work of our hands, such as: cleaning, evangelism, house cleaning, taking care of the bible school, etc. and of course this is all of supreme importance, because when we are born of God, we seek to do the best for Him. But, we should always remember the story about Marta and Mary, meanwhile one was sitting at the foot of Jesus, the other was busy with a lot of other physical things to do. In other words, one was seeking the spiritual food and the other was more worried about the physical food.
Now, at this moment, both of them were serving Jesus, but which one do you think was more important to do?
It is always more important and fundamental to be of God and seek to practice His word without interest. If we are born of God, we should serve with love and only then will we be a true offering to God. When we give a good testimony everywhere we go.
When we show love to those who are suffering outside in this world because they do not know about God, is to practice our first love. When we show love the love of God to a soul that maybe work’s with us or with someone close, we are showing a true unconditional love and also we are sharing the wonderful scent of the perfume of Jesus.
Even a child is known by his deeds,whether what he does is pure and right.
(Proverbs 20:11)
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