There was a king who didn't believe in the workings of God. He had a servant that in every situation would say, “My king, do not grow weary because everything that God does is perfect. He is never wrong!
There was a day that they all left to hunt and a fierce animal attacked the king. His servant managed to kill the animal, but he wasn't able to prevent his majesty from losing a finger.
Furious and without showing gratitude for being saved, the noble said, “God is good? If He was indeed good, the animal would not have attacked me and I wouldn't have lost my finger.
The servant merely responded: “My king, even though all these things happen, I can simply say that God is good; and He knows the reason behind all the things.
Everything that God does is perfect. He is never wrong!” Indignant with the response, the king ordered that the servant be imprisoned.
Some time later, he left on another hunt and was captured by some savage villagers that were in the jungle and performed human sacrifices.
When he was on the altar, ready to sacrifice the noble king, the savage villagers noticed that the victim didn't have one of his fingers and decided to liberate the king: he wasn't perfect to be sacrificed to the gods.
When he returned to the palace, he asked to liberate his servant and he received him with a lot of appreciation and affection. My dear, God was truly good to me! I escaped from being sacrificed by the savage villagers, precisely because I didn't have a finger! But I only have one doubt: if God is so good, why did He permit that you, who defends him so much, be imprisoned?
My king, if I would have gone with you on that hunt, I would have been sacrificed in your place, because I am not missing any finger and I am perfect.
He is never wrong! A lot of times we complain because of our life and supposedly bad things happen, forgetting that nothings out of casualness and everything has a purpose.
Every day offer your day to God, before beginning your daily chores. Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your attitudes, guide your sentiments. And do not be afraid, because, God NEVER ERRORS!
Do you know why you read this message? I don't know, but God knows, because He is never wrong.....
The path of God is perfect and His word without impurities. And in the Bible, it is written:
“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:” Psalm 37:5
The confidence in God makes part of the faith that we have inside of us, if we give our path to the Lord and use our faith, then everything that happens to us, comes from His hands. Even the deserts of life that help fortify us and transform us into better people of God.
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