I have received emails asking for guidance in relation to marriage, marital problems, married relationships, etc. Taking into account the need to address this issue because many people get married but have great difficulty in staying married. They love each other, but their daily relationship is compromised by the lack of some key steps that really helps us to maintain a happy marriage. Everyone knows it’s not hard to get married; it’s hard to stay married.
Before the first step, I wanted to share with you a phrase that I heard which blessed me:
"Do not get married to be happy, but to make someone else happy"
Several steps will be addressed:
First step: Patience
What does this mean?
Patience is the virtue that bears evil and wrongdoings without whining or rebellion, the quality of those who calmly wait. That is when you are patient with your spouse, you demonstrate discretion, instead of taking an eye for an eye, you take control of your emotions instead of them controlling you.
For example, most of the time when a spouse does something to displease the other, the will of the flesh is to get payback and do the same, for example: He cheated, so she then cheats, he doesn’t praise her, so she doesn’t praise him, he doesn’t pay attention to her, so she doesn’t pay attention to him, but we have discovered that patience is the best medicine, because taking an eye for an eye will not solve your problems, otherwise nobody would get married in this world.
On the other hand, patience makes us wise. She is not quick to judge, but listens to what the other person is saying. It is very important to learn to listen before reaching hasty conclusions that you will regret later. Be patient, listen first, and then talk. It is better to hold your tongue than to say something you might regret later. Because he who speaks sows and he who listens reaps. Many of the things you say today, you probably will forget by tomorrow, but the person who hears it from you, will never forget, and this will produce deep scars and disappointments that could lead to separation, i.e., our words can cause life or death depending on how we use them.
Same way the lack of patience will turn your home into a war zone, the practice of patience will stimulate peace and harmony.
Wise men and women will see patience as an essential ingredient in marriage.
This is a good starting point to demonstrate true love.
The Bible says: "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but the one who is quick-tempered displays folly" (Proverbs 14:29). "A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel" (Proverbs 15:18).
Claudia, this is still applicable for singles. I like this: "Do not get married to be happy, but to make someone else happy." Your notes on "Patience" are well-received. Grazie molto, Claudia. Kisses!