Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to control evil thoughts

Throughout the day, our mind is always working, it never stops, and since our mind is always working, thoughts go beyond what we even think about, and if we take notice, they are often horrible thoughts. And we ask ourselves: Why did I think about this? Or think about that?
How can we keep our thoughts only on things that please God? How do we stop unpleasant thoughts? How do we stop agreeing with evil in our own minds?
The emptier our mind, the more it will become occupied, most likely by something that displeases God. Therefore, it’s important to occupy our minds with pleasant, good thoughts, with what unites us to God and not what separates us from him.
At all times, evil puts suggestions in our mind: You will not achieve this; Nobody likes you, You'd better give up, and uses insecurities and doubts all the time; they leave us sad and anxious believing in a lie, thus taking our strength and working to make us weak in relation to everyday situations.
How do we prevent this?
When we die to this world, we no longer live for it. We trust in God 100%, whom we serve and know we are under his protection all the time, we seek for a daily relationship and maintain our thoughts on his Word, which God’s power within us, our faith, and we overcome that evil thoughts that try to intimidate us every day, and actually practicing this every day, things begin to change. Everything becomes easier; we begin to see things we could not see before, as if we had been locked in a world that existed only in our minds.
Everyone goes through difficult situations in this world, problems, and challenges. It is during these moments that we must control our thoughts and not let evil come with its lies, and this is only possible when we have a relationship and total trust in the living God, whom we give our lives to; certain that he is in control of everything.
Do not be controlled by your thoughts, instead take control of them according to the word of God and everything will be easier...

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

1 comment:

  1. We all struggle w/ paragraph 4 & we blessedly overcome w/ paragraph 5. Muito forte, Claudia. Thank you for this. Kisses!
