When we are spiritual and seek less of the physical world, in other words, live in spirit, we seek holiness, which doesn’t mean being a good, kind, pleasant person, but a person who assumes her faith daily, throwing herself into the hands of the Lord Jesus, living by faith, that in which is not seen, but knows that through holiness, will see it in her life daily because the results will come, she is 100% certain that her greatest good in this world is him: The Holy Spirit.
Holiness brings us so close to God, that the results are wonderful. In all these 21 days, we were living in communion with the Holy Spirit; we have seen great results in our lives and the lives of others.
I had wonderful experiences. It had already been a few months that I was trying to use the internet only for essentials, and for awhile was barely watching television, because I was busy focusing on what I saw would bear good fruit, on what would make me please God and care for others. Since we have calling to the altar, we know that we have a great responsibility, in order to bring others to the Kingdom of God, and this requires a total commitment to God...
A few months ago, I was taking care of younger and older women who were depressed, anguished, lost, had no vision, no direction, spiritually destroyed, and in my daily tending of them, always trying to give my best, showing them that without the Holy Spirit or daily commitment to God, a person will go in circles, may even may accomplish, but will not have an established life and so will not stay with God and their daily problems will gradually destroy them. And as time passed, what a transformation! They were delivered, changing their behavior, their character, made a commitment to God and were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Today they are servants of God, helping others with their own testimony. This is priceless, but it is our commitment that bears the fruit, without commitment, the results will not come.
Every day I learn that the blessings of God depend on our sincerity and our total commitment, to really trust that God is in control of everything, always respecting God’s will in our lives.
To see God in our lives, in other words, the results we want then we must strive for holiness.
As it is written:
“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord" Hebrews 12:14
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