Do you know what life is like for those who leave everything to go wherever the wind takes them?
They leave their job, career, home and family. All this so that many, through faith, can achieve a good job, a beautiful home and a united family.
They shed tears daily for those they don’t even know, but they know too well the suffering of those people.
While many are asleep, they cry at night for those who are contemplating suicide and have no one in their lives.
They are called crazy, because the word of the cross, which is to sacrifice, is crazy for this world. Their lives are a daily sacrifice.
They use their precious time to go to hospitals, through streets and dangerous neighborhoods, often listening to a hundred "no" and two "yes", but still believe that a least one soul will be won that day.
They stop having children of their own flesh, placing their own will and desire aside, so those who are infertile can have their own children, through the faith.
They have spiritual children, even though, these people are too old to be children again, but they are straggling in the faith, and are guided by these jewels that are the disciples of Jesus in this world.
They have an immeasurable love for people, to completely forget about their own lives and give themselves completely for others.
They know what God will do in the lives of his people, because they live what they preach, and have seen God’s will in their lives.
They bring the true fragrance of Christ to those who have no fragrance in their lives.
They become servants with no will, no desire, no future, with their trust completely in God, so that many may encounter the one true God.
Their greatest desire is to see many souls enter and remain in the kingdom of God, making disciples, because (s)he is saved and wants others to be saved.
They have nothing and no one can take anything from them, because they have given everything.
Nobody can kill them, because they are already dead to this world.
"Live as a foreigner, with no land, no direction, nor treasures, in the lands of the preachers of the gospel"
" Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."Mathew 16:24-25
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