Thursday, May 30, 2013

Justice x Injustice

"Our injustice causes God’s justice," man's unbelief does not affect God's attributes: He remains faithful, even when man does not believe in his word ... In recent days we have seen many people demanding their own rights at home. They want to be respected and honored. Parents want their children to be obedient, everyone wants prosperity because they think it is right, because they worked and studied and do not want to lose to anyone, but what many forget is that the righteous Judge of this world is called God Almighty, and has His eyes over everything that happens here on earth, human injustice attracts God’s justice. The lives of many are not as they would like, because they do not practice His word and fail to reach God’s standards. Sin is often identified as an action: such as stealing, killing, lying or committing adultery, however, much more important and deep is the attitude in the human heart. It is the basis of all "sins" and expressed as "I understand this issue better than God." This first happened with Eve, who despite being instructed not to eat the fruit, including being forbidden by Adam, when she was offered the fruit as good, acceptable and desirable she allowed her own judgment to prevail before the word received directly from God. God did not give us His Word, so we could make a rational assessment and then decide whether to obey or not. He gave His word because it is the truth and life. We must obey without questions, and when it is not obeyed, it is the same as going with our own judgment, in disobedience to the word of God and placing ourselves before Him as if saying: "I know what I'm doing." Many people want to receive everything from God, but do not want to give their all: their thoughts, decisions, attitudes, vices, lies, ways, behavior, they claim to be Christians and do some things but other things are simply ignored. As in marriage, the Bible says that when they marry they become one flesh, then there is no separation at all in a couple, there can be no secrets, the two become one, but often this is not respected, where one part is broken or does not accept the command from God, therefore problems arise: such as infidelity, disagreements, misunderstandings, etc ... At work you are paid to work 8 hours, but only work 5 hours because 3 hours are spent idling around, unjust with the boss. A parent wants the obedience of the child, but the parent does not practice their own example for the child to follow, etc... There are many situations in which you want justice, but do not want to do the justice of God, the Creator of everything. When we consider that "every action has a reaction," we come to the phrase above: our injustice causes God’s justice. What arguments will be used when it is clear that man’s injustice brings about God’s justice? Is God unfair? The answer is: No way! "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves” Romans 12:9-10

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