Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Your worth in 2013

Everyone is priceless, and when we do not we value ourselves, the world makes us believe that life is not worth living, and therefore we see many people quit on life when small things occur and when large obstacles arrive, they simply give up ... Let’s reflect: How much is a hundred dollar bill worth? A: It’s worth a hundred dollars! And wrinkling this bill, how much is it worth? A: one hundred dollars. If you take this bill and take it to the ground and trample it, do you know what happens? It still has the same value. We are the same! We often face situations in which we are "bent, crushed, humiliated, criticized, and trampled" but no matter what, nothing and no one in this world can take away our value, which was given to us by God Himself. God made us priceless and unique, so do not let anyone diminish your worth. We must not live in the past, but learn from it. When we live clinging to the past, we will not achieve a good future, no one can have a happy future, when living a sad past. Nobody can move forward looking backwards. Instead turn your mistakes into a bridge towards your successes. If life came with an instructions manual, we would make fewer mistakes, but since this is not the case, we just learn how to live through our own mistakes. But that does not mean or imply that our value is diminished before those who love us and especially before God. The New Year is coming and we must take advantage and surrender ourselves to the One who gave us a priceless value... People who mark our lives, are not those with the best credentials, with more money, or the best prizes... They are those who care about us and who in one way or another are with us, we value us. Who cares about you and is with you all the days of your life? God. For us to have a happy 2013 it is essential to be in His presence, because only He knows our true value! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6<

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