Monday, October 24, 2011

Defeating Ourselves

That is one of the hardest things to do "defeat yourself"... Sounds pretty easy to say but it is much more difficult to do.
How can we defeat ourselves? It is precisely when we have self-control, not let ourselves be controlled by anything, not thoughts, emotions, feelings, acting only by faith that brings positive results. In daily practice we see many examples: When a friend comes to you to talk about someone else, knowing it's not good to gossip, that it is ugly, and told more than 1000 times that it will only bring more problems, but only to please your friend, you share it, in other words, you could not defeat yourself. When your thoughts wander, unpleasant thoughts, often bringing envy, jealousy, anxiety, even displeasing you, instead of changing your thinking and doing something beneficial, you feed those thoughts, leading to situations that exist only in your mind, a fixation between you and your thinking. Or, you are gaining weight every day, knowing you have to start a healthy diet, eat healthy, walk, run, do something to burn the fat you already have, but you always say you will start next week and time passes and still you do not defeat yourself. Another example is the organization of your home, your room needs to be thoroughly organized, and you always say not this week, I'll do it next week, another week comes and passes and the mess is still waiting. You live anxiously, worried about everything and everyone, not leaving anxiety in its place, in other words, out of your life.

These are some examples that we live every day and only in defeating ourselves do we get to change.

Everything in life requires sacrifice,
To change any situation it is necessary to take action
Only when we change from the inside, the external changes appear
Victory is only for those who do not give up
We need to start in order to finish, if you don't start, you will never finish
Your success or failure depends only on you

1 comment:

  1. I have been postponing things to be done and this blog has spoken to me.

    LOndon, uk
