Saturday, February 26, 2011
My friend has not returned from the battlefield, Sir. I request permission to go look for him", said a soldier to his lieutenant.
"Request denied", replied the officer, "I don't want you to risk your life for a man who's probably dead".
Ignoring his command, the soldier left and returned about an hour later, mortally wounded, carrying the corpse of his friend. The officer was furious: "Didn't I tell you he would be dead! Was it worth it to go there just to bring back a corpse?"
And the dying soldier replied:
"Yes, sir! When I found him, he was still alive and was able to tell me: I was sure you would come for me!"
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Woman of God vs. hardships of life
The Woman of God vs. hardships of life
What truly helps us in times of hardship is our relationship and trust in the one true God.
Who has not faced tribulations or crossed the deserts in this life? If your answer is 'no', unfortunately I have bad news for you: They will still happen and if your answer is 'yes', other news: Thank God for your strength to remain, but unfortunately, other deserts will come.
The truth is that while we have this body and live in this world, we are subject to a variety of problems, situations, injustices, humiliations, and many other things, but when we are in dependence on God, He strengthens us, renews us and prepares us to remain on this road until the end.
The true test of walking in the spirit is not the way we act, but how we react to the frustrations of everyday life, which is to show we are strong and never look back.
We see a great example of a woman who went through tribulations. Naomi lost her husband, her children, but kept her faith in the God of Israel and supported her daughter-in-law, Ruth, who also had a deep spiritual insight, following her mother-in-law to a land she did not know or had any relatives in, and said:
“Where you go I'll go. Where you stay I'll stay. Your people will be my people. Your God will be my God. Where you die I'll die. And there my body will be buried. I won't let anything except death separate you from me. If I do, may the Lord punish me greatly."
Imagine the wonderful witness of faith that this woman of God, Naomi, passed on to her daughter-in-law, to the point that she was willing to follow her to her land, and say "your God will be my God..." Even though, the first instance of blaming God for her suffering, but same as today, we see that we endure suffering and cross the deserts because they are necessary for God’s plan to be fulfilled in our lives, and when we pass the test of fire, we can exude a sweet aroma for the Lord.
Two women, facing great tribulations in life, who maintained an unwavering faith for years in the midst of difficult circumstances, which shows the wisdom and vision of their faith in their God.
God uses the loyalty of simple women to fulfill his extraordinary plans in the lives of those who need the power of God.
I always thought I would grow by learning with others, I have learned a lot, but to really remain, we must cross the deserts that make us strong as mountains.
It is only in the deserts, where great men and women of God are created who then become light to this world.
“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.” (Hebrews 10:35-39)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Virtuous woman vs. Common Woman
When a virtuous woman is wrong, she says: "I was wrong" and learns her lesson. When a common woman is wrong or makes a mistake, she says: "Not my fault" and blames others.
A virtuous woman knows that adversity is the best teacher. A common woman will always feel victim to adversity.
A virtuous woman knows that the outcome of things depends on her sacrifice. The common woman feels helpless and always depends on others.
A virtuous woman works hard and always makes time for everything. The common woman is always "very busy" and never has time for anything.
A virtuous woman faces challenges one by one. A common woman is afraid of challenges and does not dare to face them.
A virtuous woman agrees, gives her word and delivers on what is promised. The common woman makes promises, but does not keep them and only knows how to justify herself when she fails.
A virtuous woman says: "I need to be more virtuous every day". The common woman says: "I'm not so bad, there are many worse than me."
A virtuous woman listens, understands and responds. A common woman does not wait for her turn to speak.
A virtuous woman respects those who know more than her and is always looking to learn something from them. A common woman resists all those who know more than her and is always looking for flaws in them.
A virtuous woman feels responsible for something and gives her all. A common woman is not compromised and says: "I do what I'm given".
A virtuous woman says: "There must be a better way to do this ...". A common woman says: "We always do this. There is no other way."
A virtuous woman always tries to see the good in others. A common woman only sees the negative side.
A virtuous woman builds her house because her attitudes are based on the thoughts of God. A common woman destroys her home with her own hands, through attitudes based on feelings.
A virtuous woman knows that "all things work for good for those who love the Lord". A common woman sees injustice and inequality whenever she is "affected."
A virtuous woman is PART OF THE SOLUTION. The common woman is PART OF THE PROBLEM.
A virtuous woman, like yourself, will read this, feel happy and try to improve. A common woman will read this and be indifferent because she thinks she is fine the way she is and does not need to change.
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