Wednesday, December 15, 2010
very day we make sacrifices without noticing it, some people sacrifice for themselves, others for their family, others for friends, because a sacrifice is really to stop doing our own will to do something that in truth, we do not want do, which is going to cause pain, or seem like a great loss. Now that, is a true sacrifice when it hurts. We make sacrifices for example, when we lose weight, especially us women, when she wants to be thin, she does not measure efforts to do what she needs to do. She does not eat the candy she love, pies, cakes and all that she knows that will prevent her weight loss. She don't sleep as much to take walks, or rather she sacrifices to have her body as she wants it, and determines exactly how she wants her body. Another sacrifice is when a young lady wants to study in college, she may not have conditions within her family, no one to help, but if she wants it she will work for it, she will study more, she will get scholarships, she will sacrifice the weekends to study more, she will become a good student because she wants to have a good future. Their are young people who never go out because they are sacrificing their will to achieve something that they really want. Others sacrifice for their children, she stop eating so her children can eat, she don't dress better so she can buy clothes for her children, or rather she lives more for her children than for herself, a mother's life is always a life of sacrifice, it is for a lifetime. But those are personal sacrifices that you make to please the lives of others. What about pleasing God? How must the sacrifice be?
The sacrifice pleasing to God is not only financial, but also the spiritual and this is really one of the most difficult to do, because it means change of character, behavior, addictions, hobbies, thoughts, etc. ..
When we make real sacrifices, acceptable to God it is impossible not to have the response fast in our lives, for example:
1) Stop talking about when we are right: many are the times that you get into an argument with your family, for wanting to be the right one, you never want to lose, and in doing so you prevent the action of God within your family, you do sacrifice for them, but at the same time you prevent the action of the Holy Spirit at Home when you do not show them humility
2) You want to be exalted when the right thing to do is be humble: There are always daily situations that you always want to be the best, attract more attention than the others, but the Bible teaches us: He who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself will be humiliated, so then, live the word of God daily it is the word that will help you have a blessed home and your family converted, but the first person that has to change would be yourself.
3) Make a decisions today to let go of old habits, customs, everything that prevents you from having a communion with God, read the Bible daily, live in the dependence of God by faith. Many know they have to read the Bible, pray, seek to have an intimacy with God, but when do they do it, only in the church, and they're always very tired and preoccupied with their own doings, this prevents God to truly enter into the this person's life
4) Controlling your tongue is difficult, but this is part of the body and the major cause of division and problems within families and between people. They are many times complaints of people who frequent the church that says oh she said this and that or he said that and the other, or rather you have faith to sacrifice financially, but you lack faith in the spiritual sacrifice, and that is why we do not receive the response, sometimes we participate in many campaigns, but we don't see the answer and the fault is not and will never be of God but of yourself because you disobey the direction that is being taught to her.
5) They are always in the gossip: Getting rid of this defect is highly dependent on the totally surrendering yourself to God, because many come a long time with this bad habit, so many surrender their lives to Jesus, they are baptized, but still they continue to judge, pointing others errors, and worse of all they forget to care for their own life. This is also a spiritual sacrifice, looking only to your own life, worry about you, and pray for others. It is up to you now I can not make this true sacrifice, do not waste time, take advantage of this opportunity. "
Straighten up, Jesus said, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you? And she said: No man, Lord. Jesus said: Neither do I condemn you. Go, sin no more. "Change your behavior, your thoughts, please God, as Jesus says, Do not sin again, and take to the Altar your true sacrifice which is all of your life, all your thoughts, its you emptying yourself and filling yourself with the presence God's, living in total dependence of Him and exalting your perfume wherever you go.
God bless ...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wise or Foolish? Supernatural Faith or Natural Faith?
A women of God can change any situation in her family, work, at school, if only she is depending completely on the Holy Spirit, depend on Him, not her husband, her family, her father, her mother, its only keeping her lamp lit and full of oil. For example, the Bible shows us: At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him! “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out. '‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves. “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us! “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25
While 5 were wise, 5 were foolish, the wise are those who: pray, fast, does not look at the life of others, they are not in gossip, they watch their mouth, they look for the wisdom of God, have daily communion with the Holy Spirit , used their faith daily, they sacrifice because they already know the outcome, or rather she lives in the dependence of the living God and holds daily communion with Him, always concerned about filling her lamp, because if He is coming she will be ready but unlike the senseless lives according to her wishes, she is not humble, she thinks that she is always right, acts without wisdom, and brings bad witness to others, she has malice in everything, evil thoughts, always judge others, she always have an excuse for everything. She can never participate in things of the church, she is never faithful in her promises, and yet she does not sacrifice because she doubts and knowing that she doubts in the power of God and does not obey she know she will not be answered so then, she gives a good offering, but never the true sacrifice, her lamp will be off in a matter of time. When she arrived at the church she acted as a person of faith but today because of the lack of oil she lives like the unbelievers, or rather there is not a difference in her life and the life of a unbeliever, she does not have the mark of God.
Our faith is the most important thing we have in our lives, it is our faith that leads us to the path of conquest, of the changes, of the total transformation of life, but mostly of our salvation. We need to overcome all our enemies of faith daily, which are many: time, doubt, deception, lack of obedience, lack of wisdom, fear, and many others, but the worst of them all it's ourselves, when we do not obey God's voice which is the voice of faith within each and everyone of us ...
We can choose our future, how will next year be and change it through supernatural faith, but if we make wise decisions, today, obeying and changing what we must change, how do we want something different when we continue with same attitudes?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Improvement isn't the same as to grow…
Generally speaking people think "the more the better," but this basic concept doesn't mean to grow. Improvement isn't the same as to grow…
There are people who live only based on numbers. how many certificates do I have? How many years of experience, how many clothes do I have. how many cars?…
Every year that passes, a lot of people win money, status, materialistic goods, and many don't worry about their personal growth. They forget that everything they won will be left behind in this world when they die, but their personal growth will help they have an entire life and have a happy life on earth. We think: what have I learned this year? What have we taught? What went wrong that we don't want to commit the same mistake again?We cannot follow the same procedure every year, with the same bad habits, the addictions, resentment, bad conduct, bad words, etc…
Our real growth comes when we learn about something new, and forget everything that has happened, giving ourselves a new opportunity to become better human beings at every day.
That why a lot of people conquer, but they don't remain, they don't maintain themselves, they even have a unique position in the world, they distinguish themselves, but they don't manage to win their own selves and live frustrated, because they can't control themselves nor can they grow as a person.
To reach the true growth, it is necessary to understand our weakness in an area that we know that needs a change and if we want to change, that way we can make the decision to change. But it is important to determine, because we are what we determine, and we don't live by chance or luck.
Fast changes are temporary, but the slow growth conducts deep changes. To depend on the Lord Jesus is the best way to reach a true growth and reach everything that we want here on earth and the eternal life. With Him we are more than victorious!
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.. 2 Corinthians 12:9
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